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Microsoft Visio Building Access databases. Description : This pdf course provides participants with the basic skills necessary to develop a simple Access database from a paper-based design. Word Training.
Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Level 2. Using Outlook with Zimbra. Microsoft PowerPoint advanced. Microsoft Excel Level 3. Building Access databases. Description : This pdf course provides participants with the basic skills necessary to develop a simple Access database from a paper-based design.
Word Training. Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Level 2. Using Outlook with Zimbra. Microsoft PowerPoint advanced. Microsoft Excel Level 3. Customized Reports using Access With Project , this is no longer the case.
For example, you might want to enter durations for summary tasks and then fill in the detailed information for their subtasks later. When you open a new file, Project reminds you that new tasks are manually scheduled and lets you easily switch to automatic scheduling, if desired. You can also use the new compare versions to see Gantt bars to more clearly see how one version of a project differs from another version.
Project Server also provides integration with Microsoft Exchange to enable team members to manage and report on tasks directly from Microsoft Outlook. Remember that Project Standard does not include these collaboration features. Next, you will learn some basic information about Project and explore the main screen elements and Help facility.
USING PROJECT Before you can use Project or any project management software effectively, you must understand the fundamental concepts of project management, such as creating work breakdown structures WBS , linking tasks, entering duration estimates, assigning resources, and so on.
Make sure you read most of this text before using Project so you understand these concepts. This text provides instructions for using the stand-alone version of Project known as Project Standard. Project Professional and the Enterprise version of Project require special server software to perform online and collaborative functions. Check your work by reviewing the many screen shots included in the steps, or by using the solution files that are available for download from the companion Web site for this text or from your instructor.
It does not run on Macintosh computers or other operating systems. Most organizations have Project as part of their license if they have Office You can download a free trial from www. Students can purchase a full version of Project Standard from sites like www.
Standard deliverables under each of those process groups are included, as described in this text. Each section of the appendix includes hands-on activities for you to perform. NOTE: To complete the hands-on activities in the appendix, you will need to download files from the companion Web site for this text www.
When you begin each set of steps, make sure you are using the correct file. Before you begin your work you should have Customer Feedback. Save the files you create yourself in a different folder so you do not write over the ones you download. Overview of Project The first step to mastering Project is to become familiar with the major screen elements and the Help facility.
This section describes each of these features. Open Project Alternatively, a shortcut or icon might be available on the desktop; in this case, double-click the icon to start the software. Maximize Project If the Project window does not fill the entire screen as shown in Figure A-3, click the Maximize button in the upper-right corner of the window.
Project main screen Project is now running and ready to use. Look at some of the elements of the screen. You can click that option to switch to automatic scheduling. You can access other views by clicking the View command button on the far left side of the ribbon.
Task attributes should include some or all of the following Objectives Time constraints Milestones Task s on which this Task is Dependant Estimated Duration: – Task s that are dependent on this task Optimistic estimate Itemised task Budget Pessimistic estimate Resources required completing the Task.
The ability to manage the progression of the tasks in terms of their resources, start times and finish times. The production of appropriate progress reports. As the complexities of these undertakings increase so the importance of discipline and structure increase and the Project Manager must look to the tools that can help which is where Microsoft Project comes into the picture.
Setting out the Goal and the Objectives together with the Specification and Limitations within which the undertaking must be completed. Plan The Project Planning of all the activities, resources, and estimation of materials and time scales. Some of this planning may have to be done at an appropriate level for cost estimation before the project can be agreed.
Once the decision to go ahead has been taken the skills of the Project Manager are used to define the details of the planning stage.
When this has been completed and agreed it will become the «Plan» or the base line against which progress can be measured. Implementation A leap into the void! Notes: A poorly planned project will take three times longer than the original plan. A wellplanned project will only take twice as long.
A project that will be completed without changes, on time and within budget has never been known in the past and will never happen in the future. Microsoft Project will help! Monitoring And Adjusting Recording Actual Progress Once the project is under way, the progress of each activity is recorded. This information can then be compared against the Plan and the differences highlighted. Revising The Schedule The process of minimising the effect of problems and delays on meeting project deadlines is achieved by adjusting and updating the Schedule to meet the changed circumstances.
As the project progresses and when it has been completed the process of evaluation should be used to learn the lessons for the next time. Microsoft Project – Operational Basics Microsoft Project Has The Following Capabilities: Highlights 1 million tasks per project depending on free RAM 1 million resources per project Calendar dates from to Gantt charts to show project schedules graphically on a time scale with scaling from minutes to years.
Network Diagrams to show task relationships. Outlining to group and arrange project tasks in hierarchical order. Filters to view selected information. Resource usage and Graph views and reports to quickly identify resource availability and costs. Custom fields so you can track additional information unique to your project. If time, money, or what your project accomplished were unlimited, you wouldn’t need to do project management. Unfortunately, most projects have a specific time limit, budget, and scope.
It is this combination of elements time, money, and scope that we refer to as the project triangle. These competing elements are also known as the triple constraints of a project. Understanding the project triangle will enable you to make better choices when you must make trade-offs. For example, if you decide to adjust the project plan to: Bring in the scheduled finish date, you might end up with increased costs and a decreased scope.
Meet the project budget, the result might be a longer schedule and a decreased scope. Increase scope, your project might take more time and cost more money in the form of resources, such as workers.
Changes to your plan can affect the triangle in various ways, depending on your specific circumstances and the nature of your project. For example, in some instances, shortening your schedule might increase costs. In other instances, it might actually decrease costs.
In terms of the project triangle, resources are considered a cost item. So as you adjust resources to accommodate more or less work or to reflect their availability, your costs go up or down correspondingly. These costs are based on resource pay rates. You also may notice that as you adjust resources, your schedule changes. For example, if you have several resources over allocations and you level the project, the schedule might now include split tasks and delays that extend the finish date.
In most projects, at least one side of the triangle is «stuck,» meaning that you can’t change it. On some projects, it’s the budget.
No matter what, you won’t get more money for the project. On others, it’s the schedule;; the dates can’t change. Or it’s the scope;; there will be no change in deliverables The trick is in finding the «stuck» or fixed sides of your project’s triangle.
That tells you what you can change and where you can adjust if there’s a problem. Phrasing the problem as a statement can help you clarify which side of the triangle is in trouble. Knowing which side of your triangle can’t be changed will help you know where you can adjust. So when you begin optimizing, consider the following order of decisions. First, decide which of the three elements is fixed. This is typically the element most important to the success of your project finishing on time, on budget, or with the agreed-upon scope.
Then, determine which side your current problem occurs on. Once you’ve done that, you’ll know what elements you have to work with to get your project back on track.
If the problem side and the fixed side are the same, you have the remaining two sides of the triangle to work with. For example, if your project has to finish on time and your problem is that it’s taking too long, you can adjust resources or adjust scope to get the project back on track. If the problem side is different from the fixed side, you’ll want to optimize by adjusting the remaining side.
For example, if your project has to finish on time and it’s grown in scope, you only have the cost side to play with by, for example, by adding resources. Know that when you adjust one side of the triangle of time, money, and scope, the other two sides are likely to be affected. They can be affected positively or negatively, depending on the nature of your project. For example, if you adjusted your plan to bring in costs, check whether your finish date is still acceptable Lead and Lag Times Edit tables by adding and removing columns Change column labels Create a table The system will allow the user to organise these tables so they can be used to maximum effect.
The content of the table is also dependent on the area of project management they are used for. There is a difference between tables for Tasks and table for Resources. Modifying Or Editing An Existing Table The idea of changing a table structure is to make its use more appropriate to the needs in terms of what information the user needs to view.
For a task table there are over one hundred possible columns from which the structure can be chosen. For Resources the number of possible columns is approximately thirty.
The following dialog box Figure will show a list of the fields that make up the table. A space will appear and the new field can be selected. The structure of the table is built up by selecting the fields in the appropriate order. When you decide which type of table you would like to create click on the NEW button.
OR Another option which saves time is to copy an existing table and add or remove fields as necessary and rename it. Add, edit or delete fields as covered in the previous section. Click OK to save the table.
There is no need to recreate them in other files we have the organiser tool to allow us to transfer these objects for reuse elsewhere The global template is the file that is used every time you create a new project file this works similarly in word and excel.
It stores all the objects necessary to create a file with no data. Using the organiser to transfer any of the objects we create into it every time we create a new project those objects will be available for use in the new file.
This includes tables, views, filters, groups, reports, macros, calendars tasks or resource objects Even better when these objects are in the global template any file you open created from another source that lacks the useful objects you have been using you simply transfer them from the global template into the new file and they are then available for use. If you have several project files open use the drop down arrows in the boxes to correctly identify the files.
MPT file if a file from another source is being used copy the other way for your objects to be used in other files.
When the transfer of objects is complete click the cross in the top right hand corner of the dialog to close the organiser. Lesson 3.
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Setting a baseline and tracking progress: Another important concept of project management is preparing a plan and measuring progress against the plan. For example, you might want to enter durations for summary tasks and then fill in the detailed information for their subtasks later. Before you begin your work you should have Customer Feedback. Explore Magazines. For example, if there must be a two-day delay between the finish of one task and the start of another, you can establish a finish-to-start dependency and specify two days of lag time for the successor task. Resource Management: Project management software should manage and control the resources needed to run a project, such as people, money, time and equipment. Microsoft Office Project web site www.
Microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free
No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced, transmitted, microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free, or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning, digitizing, taping, Web distribution, information microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free, or information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section or of the United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author.
Some of the product names and company names used in this book have been used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers and sellers. The page numbering is the same as the original text. It was created in April Cover Photo Dan Schwalbe. Appendix A Brief Guide to Microsoft Project Introduction Your screens may appear slightly different. You can download a free trial of Project from www.
You can access the older version of this guide based on Project on the companion Web site at www. Students who purchased an older version of this text An Introduction to Project Management, Third Edition, by Kathy Schwalbe can purchase just this new Appendix from www.
Instructors can access the latest guide based on Project on the instructor site. Unfortunately, many people who own the software have no idea how to use it. It is important to understand basic concepts of microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free management, such as creating a work breakdown structure, determining task dependencies, and so on before making effective use of this software. Many project teams still use spreadsheets or other familiar software to help manage projects.
However, if you can master a good project microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free software tool, it can really help in managing projects. This appendix summarizes basic information on project management software in general. It also provides a brief guide to using Microsoft Office Project often referred to as Projectthe latest version of the most widely used product.
Appendix B provides a brief summary of task, the most popular totally online tool. The products listed in the top ten include: 1. Microsoft Project 2. MindView 3. Project KickStart 4. RationalPlan Multi Project 5. FastTrack Schedule 6. Service Desktop Pro 7. Milestones 8. MinuteMan 9. FusionDesk Professional Remember that students can purchase Microsoft Project and other software at greatly reduced rates from sites such as www.
You can also normally download free trials of Project and other software products. Figure A Top ten project management software product comparisons Below are descriptions of the criteria for comparing the software products: Collaboration: How information and issues are communicated with project team members, including email, conference calls, meetings, web-based locations and more.
Collaboration should be easy to use. Resource Management: Project management software should manage and control the resources needed to run a project, such as people, money, /31087.txt and equipment. Project Management: The process, practice and activities needed to perform continuous evaluation, prioritization, budgeting and selection of investments are key.
Proper project management capabilities provide the greatest value and contribution to the strategic interest of your company. Ease of Use: All project management software has a learning curve, but the best have functions that are easy to find and simple enough for anyone to use from Day 1, Project 1.
The manufacturer should provide email microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free or telephone numbers for direct answers to technical questions.
Figure A-2 lists the top ten results. The top fourteen products listed include: 1. Daptiv PPM 3. Clarizen 4. Project Insight microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free.
Celoxis 6. Intervals 7. Projecturf 8. Central Desktop 9. Easy Projects NET Project Office. Copper Smooth Projects Zoho Projects task took the number one spot. Like most tools in this category, task provides the ability to create Gantt charts, numerous reports and views, project dashboards, and it provides integration with Microsoft Project files. One of its unique features is its support of iPhones. See End Note 1 or visit the Web sites for any of these products and use a free trial version.
See Appendix B for more information on using task. Why not just use a spreadsheet or database to help manage projects? You can do a lot of project management planning and tracking using non-project management software. You could use a simple word processor to list tasks, resources, dates, and so on.
If you put that information into a spreadsheet, you can easily sort it, graph it, and perform other functions. A relational database tool could provide even more manipulation of data. You can use email and other tools to collaborate with others. However, project management software is designed specifically for источник статьи projects, so it normally includes several distinct and important features not found in other software products: Creating work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, and network diagrams: As mentioned in this text, a fundamental concept of project management is breaking down the scope of the project into a work breakdown structure WBS.
The WBS is the basis for creating the project schedule, normally shown as a Gantt chant. The Gantt chart shows start and end dates of tasks as well as dependencies between tasks, which are more clearly shown in a network diagram.
Project management software makes it easy to create a WBS, Gantt chart, and network. These features help the project manager and team visualize the project at various levels of detail.
Integrating scope, time, and microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free data: The WBS is a key tool for summarizing the scope microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free a project, and the Gantt chart summarizes the time or schedule for a project. Project management software allows you to assign cost and other resources to tasks on the WBS, which are tied to the schedule.
This allows смотрите подробнее to create a cost baseline and microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free earned value management to track autodesk maya 2011 product key free performance in terms of scope, time, and cost in an integrated fashion. Setting a baseline and tracking progress: Another important concept of project management is preparing a plan and measuring progress against the plan.
Project management software lets you track progress for each task. The tracking Gantt chart is a nice tool for easily seeing the planned and actual schedule, and other views and reports show progress in other areas.
Providing other advanced project management features: Project management software often provides other advanced features, such as setting up different types of scheduling dependencies, determining the microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free path and slack for tasks, working with multiple projects, and leveling resources.
For example, you can easily set up a task to start when its predecessor is halfway finished. After entering task dependencies, the software should easily show you the critical path and slack for each task. You can also set up multiple projects in a program and perform portfolio management analysis with some products. Many project management software products also allow you to easily adjust resources within their slack allowances to create a smoother resource distribution.
These advanced features unique to project management are rarely found in other software tools. As you can see, there are several important features that are unique to project management software that make them worth using. Next youll learn whats new in Project and how to use basic features of Project Standard. Microsoft really listened to users and has microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free Project to meet microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free needs.
Learning some of the new features might seem like a chore, but it is well worth the effort. If you are familiar with Projectit may be helpful to review some of the new features microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free Project Improved user interface: Project now includes the ribbon interface instead of using the old menus and toolbars similar to Office The File tab takes you to the new Backstage feature, a one-stop graphical destination for opening, saving, and printing your files.
You can also now right-click on different items, like a table cell or chart, to bring up commonly used commands quickly. A timeline view is automatically displayed above other views to show you a concise overview of the entire project schedule.
You can easily add tasks to the жмите, print it, or paste it into microsoft project tutorial 2010 pdf free e-mail. The new team planner view lets you quickly see what your team members are working on, and you can move tasks from one person to another using this view.
For example, if a resource is overallocated, you can drag a task to another resource to remove the overallocation. You can also add new columns quickly and use the new zoom slider at the lower right of the screen to zoom your schedule in and out. Also, the tab for viewing and printing reports is easier to navigate with more options for visual reports. Manual scheduling: Unlike previous versions of Project where tasks were automatically scheduled, Project uses manual schedule as its default.
In past versions of Project, summary tasks were automatically calculated based on their subtasks. Resources were also adjusted automatically.
With Projectthis is no longer the case. For example, you might want to enter durations for summary tasks and then fill in the detailed information for their subtasks later.
MS – PROJECT – Tutorial PDF | PDF | Project Management | Business.
Microsoft Office XP codenamed Office 10 [7] is an office suite which was officially revealed in July by Microsoft for the Windows operating system. Office XP was released to manufacturing on March 5, , [8] and was later made available to retail on May 31, , less than five months prior to the release of Windows XP.
X was released on November 19, New features in Office XP include smart tags , a selection-based search feature that recognizes different types of text in a document so that users can perform additional actions; a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate quick access to them; new document collaboration capabilities, support for MSN Groups and SharePoint ; and integrated handwriting recognition and speech recognition capabilities.
With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several features to address reliability issues observed in previous versions of Office. Office XP is incompatible with Windows 95 and earlier versions of Windows. Office XP received mostly positive reviews upon its release, with critics praising its collaboration features, document protection and recovery functionality, and smart tags; however, the suite’s handwriting recognition and speech recognition capabilities were criticized and were mostly viewed as inferior to similar offerings from competitors.
As of May , over 60 million Office XP licenses had been sold. Microsoft released three service packs for Office XP during its lifetime. At a meeting with financial analysts in July , Microsoft demonstrated Office XP, then known by its codename, Office 10, which included a subset of features Microsoft designed in accordance with what at the time was known as the. NET strategy , one by which it intended to provide extensive client access to various web services and features such as speech recognition.
Before the release of Office 10 Beta 2, there was speculation that Microsoft intended to rebrand the new product as «Office ,» [22] «Office ,» [22] «Office. NET» but unnamed sources stated that the company did not desire to do the same with Office 10, as the product was only partially related to the company’s. NET strategy. Office XP Beta 2 was released to 10, technical testers in late The Custom Maintenance Wizard, for example, now allowed setup components to be modified after their installation, and the setup process of Office XP itself used a new version of Windows Installer.
Microsoft also terminated the product’s support for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4. Office XP was released to manufacturing on March 5, , [8] and was later made available to retail on May 31, Microsoft released three service packs for Office XP throughout the product’s lifecycle that introduced security enhancements, stability improvements, and software bug fixes; each service pack was made available as separate Client and Full File update versions.
Full File updates did not require access to installation media and were intended for network administrators to deploy updates to Office XP users who installed the product from a server location; [31] [32] [33] users could also manually install Full File updates. Service Pack 1 SP1 was released on December 11, , and included performance and security improvements, as well as stability improvements based on error reports from users.
Service Pack 2 SP2 , released on August 21, included all previously available standalone updates; some of the those previously released included cumulative security patches for Excel and Word to address potentially malicious code embedded in document macros.
Earlier updates were designed to update only administrative images and fail when applied directly to clients. Service Pack 3 SP3 was released on March 30, , and included all previously released updates, as well as previously unreleased stability improvements based on feedback and error reports received from users.
SP3 does not require any earlier service packs to be installed. Office XP has a streamlined, flatter appearance compared to previous versions of Office. According to Microsoft, this change involved «removing visually competing elements, visually prioritizing items on a page, increasing letter spacing and word spacing for better readability, and defining foreground and background color to bring the most important elements to the front.
Excel and Word introduce smart tags , commands for specific types of text including addresses , calendar dates , personal names , telephone numbers , ticker symbols , or tracking numbers in documents. Excel and Word support extensible smart tags that allow developers and organizations to display custom commands related to specific information. The smart tags used by Word are also available in Outlook if the former is configured as the default e-mail editor.
The AutoCorrect and Paste Options commands in previous versions of Office have been updated to include smart tags that are shared among all Office XP programs. The AutoCorrect smart tag provides individual options to revert an automatic correction or to prohibit an automatic correction from occurring in the future, and also provides access to the AutoCorrect Options dialog box. After the release of Office XP, Microsoft provided a repository for downloadable smart tags on its website.
Office XP introduces a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate quick access to them. Word , for example, includes a task pane dedicated to style and formatting options. Users can switch between open task panes through the use of back and forward buttons; a drop-down list also presents specific task panes to which users can switch.
The default Startup task pane is automatically available when users launch an Office XP program and presents individual commands to open an existing file, create a new blank file or one from a template , add a network location, or open Office Help. The Search task pane includes individual Basic and Advanced modes and allows users to query local or remote locations for files.
The Basic mode allows users to perform full-text searches , while the Advanced mode provides additional file property query options. The Office Clipboard has been redesigned as the Clipboard task pane across all Office XP programs and can accommodate up to 24 clipboard items compared to 12 in Office Clipboard items provide a visual representation to help users distinguish different types of content.
Access and Excel support exporting and importing XML. Users can also save Excel workbooks as XML spreadsheets. Office XP introduces handwriting recognition in all Office programs, allowing users to write with a mouse or stylus instead of entering text by typing on a keyboard. Once installed, handwriting functionality is also available in Internet Explorer 5 and Outlook Express 5 or later. The downloadable Tablet Pack for Office XP provided an extension for Windows Journal to reuse notes as Outlook items and to import meeting information from Outlook into notes.
Speech recognition based on Microsoft Research technology is available for all Office XP programs, allowing users to dictate text into active documents, to change document formatting, and to navigate the interface by voice. The speech recognition feature encompasses two different modes: Dictation, which transcribes spoken words into text; and Voice Command, which invokes interface features.
Speech recognition can be installed during Office XP setup or by clicking the Speech option in the Tools menu in Word When installed, it is available as a Microphone command on the Language toolbar that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen lower-right corner in East-Asian versions of Office XP.
When launched for the first time, speech recognition offers a tutorial to improve recognition accuracy, which begins by providing instructions to adjust the microphone for optimal performance.
Users can configure speech recognition settings, including pronunciation sensitivity in voice command mode, accuracy and recognition response time in dictation mode, and microphone settings through the Speech control panel applet. The Regional and Language Options applet provides Language toolbar and additional settings.
With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several features to address reliability issues observed in previous versions of Office:. Additionally, all Office XP programs provide options for users to digitally sign documents. When upgrading from a previous version of Office, Office XP retains the user’s previous configuration.
The Custom Installation Wizard can prohibit the installation, use, or uninstallation of programs or features such as the Run from Network and Installed on First Use setup options.
Finally, the Custom Maintenance Wizard has been updated to provide customization options to configure Office XP including user preferences and security settings.
In an effort to curtail software piracy , Microsoft incorporated product activation technology into all versions of Office XP to prohibit users from installing a single copy of the software in a manner that violates the end-user license agreement EULA.
The EULA allows a single user to install one copy each on a primary device and a portable device such as a laptop. Users who make substantial hardware changes to an Office XP device may need to reactivate the software through the Internet or by telephone. Product activation does not require personally identifiable information. Office XP introduced an optional subscription-based activation model that allowed consumers to annually license the product and receive incremental updates at a reduced price when compared with the cost of a full retail version.
Microsoft originally intended to deliver the activation model to United States customers after the retail availability of Office XP on May 31, , but later decided to make it available to consumers in «a few select locations» instead, citing a more cautious delivery approach. A new «Ask a Question» feature appears in the top-right corner of all Office XP programs and allows users to type natural language questions and receive answers without opening the Office Assistant «Clippy» or Office Help.
Additionally, Office Help has been updated to aggregate and display content from the Internet in response to a query. The Office Assistant is now disabled by default and only appears when Help is activated. The component products were packaged together in various suites.
Some of these editions were available as retail packages in either full or upgrade versions, others as full OEM versions for inclusion with new PCs, and still others as volume license versions that required no activation. All editions provided the core components of Word, Excel, and Outlook, and all editions except the Small Business edition provided PowerPoint. Microsoft Office XP received mixed to positive reviews after its release.
CNET praised the new collaboration and data recovery features, and stated that Office XP offered a «host of incremental improvements» over its predecessor, Office , but ultimately concluded that «most enhancements and additions are better suited for groups than individuals. While most assessments of Office XP were positive, the speech recognition feature was frequently criticized due to its inaccuracy and lack of advanced functionality.
CNET regarded it as «especially lame» because of its inability to recognize text editing commands such as «select the sentence» and because it required users to manually switch between command and dictation modes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Version of Microsoft Office suite. These applications make up the Standard edition. Windows NT 4. List of languages. Main article: Smart tag Microsoft. Intel Pentium III. Hardware accelerated video card or MMX processor.
An audio output device and microphone are required for speech recognition. Collaboration features require Office 97 or later Internet access is required for product activation and online functionality. Touchscreen for handwriting functionality. News Center. May 31, Retrieved February 25, Download Center. March 30, Archived from the original on January 5, Office Support.
May 30, Archived from the original on December 1, Archived from the original on March 7, Retrieved April 9, August 6, Archived from the original on April 14, Retrieved February 26,